Course Structure

In addition to the content of your courses, you may want to consider the structure of your course. Think intentionally about the ways you can design your course policies to off-set or overcome barriers. Here are some suggestions:

Compassionate, labor-based grading

Trauma Informed Teaching

Trauma informed teaching is an approach that looks to understand the role that experiences of trauma, violence, and other forms of victimization have had on the individuals that we teach. In order to improve our practices and our in-class policies we can consider these experiences to meet the needs of trauma survivors in our classrooms. These are resources to learn about Trauma Informed Teaching from Dr. Carello (graduate of the University at Buffalo). Dr. Carello researches trauma informed teaching and has compiled information and strategies to help educators in higher education learn and apply trauma informed teaching principles in our own classrooms.

Trauma-Informed Teaching & Learning in Times of Crisis Video (length: 1:02:53):

Further resources can be found here: