Dear Crusaders,

We’ve already completed the first week of school! Parents, I urge you to be involved in your child’s life. Their high school years will pass in the ‘blink of an eye’ and they will be graduated and out of the house. Whether it is their school activities, church activities, community sports, or scouts, find time to do things with them. They will be gone before you know it.

Part of the school’s normal activities is to check grades after four weeks and create a ‘Failing List.’ Although it doesn’t really do anything officially, it does give the counselors and assistant principals a list of students to check on who may be having academic issues although, most often the cause is failing to complete assignments or make-up work. If you haven’t, I encourage you to check your child’s grades on the Parent Portal and contact the teacher if you have any questions.

Lastly, all students participated in a short assembly this week during their Physical Education Class. The students were briefed on expectations for the school year including the Code of Conduct, The Dignity Act, and other high school rules and regulations.

Parents and guardians, please take time to review and sign off on our Code of Conduct. Parents can access our Code of Conduct via the Parent Portal. Log in to your parent portal account, on the left navigation menu select Forms, then select Code of Conduct for Parents”. Students do not have access to this form, it is not available through the student portal.

All the best,


Rembering 911

9.9.2022 Morning Message:

Good morning Crusaders,

This coming Sunday, marks the anniversary of September 11th. Instead of focusing on this tragic event, we should consider the lessons we learned from 9/11: I know that the our students were not alive during this time, but what I can share - is that immediately after this tragic event the people around the world showed their kindness and love for each other for those who were hurt by this event.

Firefighters and police officers in particular showed great courage in risking their own lives to save others. Americans put aside their differences by coming together and showing the strength to love and help their neighbor - no matter the color of their skin, their religious background, or how much money they had. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that we were all Americans and we would stick together.

So, again what are the lessons? We must show each other kindness and love. We must have the courage to do the right thing and protect and defend each other. We have to put aside differences and care for each other.

I hope you will keep these thoughts in your mind as you hear more about 9/11 this weekend. If you ever have questions please feel free to ask your parents, your teachers, or myself.

Let’s all pause for a moment of silence for those who lost their lives and were hurt by this tragic event.

Open House

Thursday, September 29, 2022 @ 6:30 PM

“A” Day Schedule

Time Period

6:30 - 6:38 1

6:43 - 6:51 2

6:56 - 7:04 3

7:09 - 7:17 4

7:22 – 7:30 5

7:35 – 7:43 6

7:48 – 7:56 7

8:01 – 8:09 8

8:14 – 8:22 9

Parents will follow an “A” day schedule for the evening.

Please note that study halls, lunch, and science labs will not meet. This will be a great opportunity to visit our PTA table and support their many endeavors.

Classes will be 8 minutes in duration, where faculty members will provide you with insights on the objectives and expectations of each course. Please email the teacher any questions you may have after the presentation. Student guides will be at strategic locations around the building to assist you in locating the appropriate rooms, within 4 minutes passing time between periods.

In addition to the teaching staff, our school counselors will be available to share the college/career planning process.


Regular and timely attendance is expected each day. Board of Education policy defines absences and tardies as follows:

  • Excused - due to personal illness of student (three days or less), extended illness requires a doctor’s note, serious illness of immediate family member, or death in the student’s family, impassable roads or weather, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, attendance at health clinics, approved college visits, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, or such other reasons as may be approved.

  • Unexcused - all other absences/tardies. It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to notify the school office within at least 24 hours of the absence and to provide a written excuse upon the student's return to school. Corroborating medical verification is expected in the case of excessive absences due to a suspected health condition. After the third consecutive day of absence for medical reasons a doctor’s note will be required.

  • Students are not permitted to leave school grounds without permission.

  • Minimum Attendance Policy - A student enrolled in the high school must be in attendance in order to be eligible to receive credit for that course. At the high school level, any student with more than ten (10) unexcused absences from class during a semester, five (5) unexcused absences in a Physical Education course, twenty (20) unexcused absences for a full year course, or thirty (30) unexcused absences for a full year lab class will not receive credit for that course.

  • 10/10 Rule - Students may not have a pass from class in the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes of a period. The only exception to this will be medical emergencies as well as pre-written passes for counseling.


A message from the HS PTSA...

On Friday, September 16, MW GOES GOLD for pediatric cancer awareness! The HS PTSA is proud to once again offer 'PURPLE GOES GOLD"
t-shirts! Youth and adult sizes available. Pickup date at MWHS will be the week of 9/12. If you are staff, please note your building (or send us an email) and we will have it delivered there.

Order here: https://mwhs.memberhub.com/store

We are also sharing our HS PTSA membership information again to our last year's (2021-2022) members. If you already joined...thank you! If you are no longer a MWHS family, student, faculty or staff member, we will not email you again...promise! But if you are..we are hoping you can join now! Your membership truly helps us in so many ways!

Our primary source of fundraising is through memberships! We support GO GOLD, Red Ribbon Week, Light it Up Blue, Art Scholarships, Senior Scholarships and MORE! Online signup is here! https://mwhs.memberhub.com/store

Paper Option:

We have also linked a pdf to print and have your student bring to the HS Main Office or mail to the HS (mailing information is on the form).

Dress for success!

Monroe-Woodbury HS is an environment for learning and business. In the interest of having a safe, orderly school, which minimizes distractions and maximizes the learning environment, a dress code has been established for our High School. Students are expected to exercise good judgment and good taste regarding their dress and grooming so as to establish a productive school climate. It is not our intent to thwart self-expression or exercise unreasonable control over students; however, current trends seem to favor certain modes of dress which are inappropriate for school.

The clothing item will be exchanged for an appropriate top or bottom. Students will have the option of going home to change. Parents will be required to pick up the student from school. Your student will be marked illegally absent from the classes they miss. Replacement clothing is always available. Refusal to change could result in a suspension from school.

In an effort to address concerns for student safety and welfare, the faculty and staff will be responsible for enforcing this dress code fairly and reasonably. Please discuss with your student the importance of coming to school dressed appropriately.

Thank you.

free & reduced meals

School breakfast and lunch are important! School meals provide nourishment that allows students to excel in the classroom and lead happy, healthy lives. They also help families stretch their food budget. We encourage families to complete the form to receive free/reduced meals. In addition, it may also provide additional resources such as free/reduced college applications or College Board testing waivers.

2022-23 Parent Letter Free/Reduced Meal Letter

school counselors/house assignment

School Counselor and House assignment information will be available through the Parent Portal on August 19.

senior & student photos

Senior Portraits - Legacy Studios will be sending postcards for Seniors to register for portraits. Each student will be assigned a unique code to register. Following is a list of dates for Senior Portraits; once you receive the postcard, students should select a time slot between 3:15 p.m. - 8 p.m.

  • September 26-30

  • October 24- 28

  • November 14-18

  • December 14th-16


Student Pictures - Underclass school pictures will be taken by Legacy Studios on the following days:

  • September 28-30

  • October 3

Additional information will be shared at the beginning of the school year.

**Due to the nature of green screen technology, STUDENTS SHOULD NOT WEAR GREEN CLOTHING ON PICTURE DAY.**

student Handbook

Students and families are asked to read the Student Handbook each year to review policies and rules that will govern the school year.

bell schedule

Tuesday, September 6th

All students must be in their Period 1 class by 7:08 a.m. We will follow our normal bell schedule for the day.


Period 1 – 7:08 a.m. to 7:49 a.m

Period 2 - 7:53 a.m. to 8:34 a.m.

Period 3 – 8:38 a.m. to 9:26 a.m.

Period 4 – 9:30 a.m. to 10:11 a.m.

Period 5 – 10:15 a.m. to 10:56 a.m.

Period 6 – 11:00 a.m. to 11:41 a.m.

Period 7 – 11:45 a.m. to 12:26 p.m.

Period 8 – 12:30 p.m. to 1:11 p.m.

Period 9 – 1:15 p.m. to 1:58 p.m.

calendar/important dates


September 3 Deadline for registering for the October 2nd SAT

September 6 First Day of School for Students

September 16 Pediatric Cancer Awareness Day - WEAR GOLD!

September 17 Deadline for registering for the October 23rd ACT

September 27-28 Picture Days

September 29 Senior Art Major Parent Meeting, 5:30 p.m.

September 29 HS Open House, 6:30 p.m.

October 8 Deadline for registering for the November 6th SAT

October 28 Deadline to register and pay for AP exams

Code of conduct/the dignity act (dasa)

Click on the link below to view the Code of Conduct & DASA presentation.


Section 100.2(1) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education require that each school district adopt a written policy on school conduct and discipline “designed to promote responsible student behavior.” The Monroe-Woodbury K-12 Code of Conduct supports a three-level approach to student management with prevention, intervention, and aftercare initiatives, and it also establishes the standard for appropriate conduct in school, at school events, and on school property. An abridged version of the Code is in the Student/Parent Handbook. A copy of the complete Code is available on the website and at all Monroe-Woodbury schools.

The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) is followed in the high school as required by New York State Law. The Code of Conduct includes language with an age appropriate version of the law, that states that no student shall be subjected to harassment by employees or students on school property, or at a school sponsored function. The administration, faculty and staff, and the DASA Coordinator will work throughout the year to create a tolerant and safe environment in the high school for all students.

All students will take part in a short assembly during one of their first periods of the school year in their Physical Education Class. At that time, students will be briefed on expectations for the school year including the Code of Conduct, The Dignity Act, and other high school rules and regulations. Parents and guardians, please take time to review the Code of Conduct and district expectations with your children.

Monroe-Woodbury HS is an environment for learning and business. In the interest of having a safe, orderly school, which minimizes distractions and maximizes the learning environment, a dress code has been established for our High School. Students are expected to exercise good judgment and good taste regarding their dress and grooming so as to establish a productive school climate. It is not our intent to thwart self-expression or exercise unreasonable control over students; however, current trends seem to favor certain modes of dress which are inappropriate for school.

Dressing nicely to school can have a plethora of positive impacts on your student. Students are to dress appropriately. Please review the student handbook.