Graduation Requirements &  Diploma Pathways


To earn a diploma from Merrimack Valley High School, students must accumulate both required and elective credits. Required credits are mandatory for all students and must be successfully completed for graduation. Elective credits are chosen based on the student's personal interests or aptitude. Furthermore, graduating students from Merrimack Valley must meet the specific requirements outlined below.

English (4 credits):

English 9 ----------------------------------------------  1.0 credit

English 10 --------------------------------------------- 1.0 credit

English Elective ------------------------------------- 2.0 credits

Social Studies (3 credits): 

World History ---------------------------------------- 1.0 credit

Civics -------------------------------------------------- 0.5 credit

Economics -------------------------------------------- 0.5 credit

American History ------------------------------------ 1.0 credit

*Mathematics (3 credits):

Including one credit of Algebra

Including one credit of Personal Finance

Science (2 credits): 

Life Science ------------------------------------------- 1.0 credit

Physical Science -------------------------------------  1.0 credit

Physical Education (1 credit): 

Active for Life ----------------------------------------  0.5 credit

PE Elective -------------------------------------------  0.5 credit

Health (0.5 credit): 

Healthy Living ---------------------------------------- 0.5 credit

Fine Arts ---------------------------------------------- 0.5 credit

Senior Project ---------------------------------------- 1.0 credit

Community Service ---------------------------------- 24 hours

Citizenship Test

Students must pass the citizenship test.

FAFSA Completion

Families must complete a FAFSA (or complete the waiver)


In an effort to meet the State requirement, the fourth year in mathematics may also consist of a math-like course such as engineering, accounting, and/or physics. The following courses would fulfill the “math experience” requirement:

Applied Conceptual Physics Introduction to Design, Robotics, and Drones (PLTW) All CRTC courses

Applied Chemistry Principles of Engineering (PLTW) Civics/Economics

CP Chemistry Advanced Robotics and Prototyping (PLTW) Advanced Chemistry

Intro to Programming & Gaming I Engineering Design & Development (PLTW) CP Physics 

Intro to Programming & Gaming II Dare to Repair (Home Improvement) Art of Woodworking

Introduction to Business