Journal Entries

Monday - January 23, 2017

Today I went to the Chilmark Preschool, and worked with the students during their day. I was there for morning meeting, playground time, regular play time, lunch and nap time. My favorite part of the day is morning meeting, when everyone sits on the rug together and listens to the mindfulness bell. Heather passes around a small rock and each student turns to their peer on their left and right and says good morning. I've noticed that eye contact and saying the person's name is very important to the morning meeting. It creates a sense of community and connectivity.

Wednesday - January 25, 2017

Today I went into the preschool.

Friday - January 27, 21017

Today I created a plan for my photos, I wrote the first draft of the permission slip for parents and I wrote question options for interviews.

Tuesday - January 31, 2017

creating website, writing official list of questions, finalizing permission slip for parents

Wednesday - February 8, 2017

Today I went into the preschool and played with the students in the snow. We went sledding and had a discussion about driving in the snow.

Friday - February 10, 2017

I went into the preschool today.

Thursday - February 16, 2017

Today I went into the preschool!

Monday - February 20, 2017

I went into the preschool today.

Monday - March 6, 2017

Here is the finalized list or questions to ask the students :

Question Outline



What makes you happy?

What do your friends and family love about you most?

What is your favorite thing about yourself?

Why is it important to be kind?

What does the word “respect” mean to you?

What is love?

How do you show people that you love them?

Today I went into the high school, to work on my website and create a final plan for my photography portion of my project.

Wednesday- March 8, 2017

I went into the preschool today!

Friday - March 10, 2017

Today I went into the preschool.

Thursday - March 16, 2017

Today I went into the preschool for a couple hours in the morning and then went to the high school for a meeting with the other students involved in senior projects.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Today I worked in the high school, photographing and interviewing seniors. I edited some photos but feel as though I need to take more and interview more students.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Today I went to the Chilmark Preschool with my camera to photograph and interview the preschoolers. After spending a few hours working with the students, I went to the high school to upload the photos and begin the process of editing.

Monday - April 3, 2017

Today I went into the high school to edit the photos I took of the preschoolers.

Wednesday - April 5, 2017

Today I reviewed the audio voice recordings that I had taken of both the preschoolers and the high school students. I picked out the questions and responses that would go with the photograph(s).

Monday April 24 2017

Today I worked at the highschool, in the photo room. I began typing up the quotes and questions that I will be using in my presentation.

Wednesday April 26 2017 to Thursday May 2 2017

I spent these last couple weeks in the photo room with Mr. Baer, learning how to edit voice memos and sound bits. I also learned more about photoshop and portrait photography. I printed all my photos on small letter sized pieces of paper, but then decided I wanted to present the photographs with the sound on top of them. I then asked Ms. Todd for help with iMovie and other editing programs to create my final slideshow.