Direction Change

Updated 04/11/17

My end product will also be including plans to create, and propose the inclusion of more gender oriented activities (centered on gender bias and discrimination) to school conferences like the race culture retreat and the peer outreach retreat.

Updated 04/05/17

So, I have decided that writing a book is not the most constructive plan. I really do not have enough time to write a thesis/prospectus, let alone a book. If anything, I will be submitting some writing to "Teaching Tolerance", an education magazine. ( have decided to focus on my survey, and the results I collected from it on androgyny. See my page on surveys for more information on what I collected.

Updated 03/22/17

In the beginning stages of this project, I had no concrete ideas for a physical outcome or product from my research. My original plan had been to conduct a lot of organic research, and just present those findings as my project. I have come to decide that this plan/outcome is neither a constructive nor productive use of my time or the school's time. Secondly, I don't really see myself enjoying it, or getting a lot of personal gain from simply taking surveys and conducting research. Thirdly, I found that the results of my original survey had salient results that address my hypothesis in the way that I hoped. Because I found the evidence that addresses my hypothesis, I feel as though there is not much more that I can do to conduct research in this way (Please refer to my survey page). However, I will be doing classroom observations and having interviews with teachers about my topic.

For my end product, I will be creating a book/packet/pamphlet (TBD) that will provide guidelines for how to pinpoint and address gender stereotypes, prejudice, and other forms of gender based discrimination in the classroom and in the school. This book (That's what I will call it for now) will include why I think this is important, my own research (the survey, interviews, observations etc.), and my plan/guide for how to mitigate the problems that I believe exist in our school community.

Because I am moving towards a different end product than I believed I would be doing at the beginning of this project, I have included in this website a list of resources I have used to help me achieve my goal of writing and hopefully publishing my book

*I say mitigate because it will be truly impossible to solve/ eliminate the problems