Christian Basics

Christian Basics is a two semester required course for freshmen. The studies in this course include a survey of portions of the Old Testament emphasizing the wondrous creation, the activity of our merciful God in the lives of His people, and following His promise of a Savior.

The course objectives are:

  • To assist the student to see and know God’s plan of salvation as it is revealed in the Old Testament through the continued promise of the Messiah.
  • To ever hold before the student the fulfillment of this promise in the person of Jesus Christ.
  • To acquaint the student with the general content of the Old Testament books.
  • To firmly implant in the mind of the student a selection of Bible passages and psalms.
Christian Basics Course Syllabus 18-19
Recitation Booklet 19-20.docx

Overview of Genesis 1-11

We used this video as a preview to the first portion of Genesis. This is not a WELS/ELS produced video series, so we listen critically so that we can discuss things that might not seem right when we hear them. However, most of these videos are quite accurate and a good launching point for our study.

Intro Study Guide.doc

Study Guide One

Introduction to the Bible

WS Intro to Bible.doc

Worksheet One

Introduction to the Bible

SG Genesis 1-2.doc

Study Guide Two

Genesis Chapters 1 and 2

WS Genesis 1 - 2.doc

Worksheet Two

Genesis Chapters 1 and 2

Creation vs. Evolution

Debate between John Lennox and Richard Dawkins

Dawkins v Lennox.docx

Viewing Guide

Respond to the video

Another Debate

We did not watch this one in class, but for anyone who is interested, here is another wonderful example of a brilliant Christian Mathematician and Scientist making his case for Christ. There is wonderful witness in this particular debate!

SG Genesis 3-4.doc

Study Guide Three

Genesis 3-4

WS Genesis 3 - 4.doc

Worksheets 3 and 4

Genesis 3-4

SG Genesis 5-11.doc

Study Guide 4

Genesis 5-11

WS Genesis 5-11.doc

Worksheets 5-7

Genesis 5-11