University of California (UC's)

The University of California system has 10 campuses, 9 are open for undergraduates (UCSF is graduate only)

From Davis in the north to San Diego in the south- these are public schools and CA students pay in-state tuition.

The UC campuses range from highly selective to selective. Students should speak with a college counselor at LAHS to confirm their college list includes at least two schools where they are likely to be admitted and can afford to attend.

Slides from 6/14/23 UC Workshop

UC for EVERYONE Slides & Notes- 3/2023

UC Application Data by campus, you can filter for LAHS

Seniors can create an account on August 1. The application can be submitted from October 1- November 30th. 

After you apply: How to make changes/withdraw your application; Info Sheet

YouTube VIDEO--> How Much is UC Going to Cost?