MVISD Virtual Career Share

Begin With The End in Mind and consider your future options! Click on any of the videos below to learn more about the career. A BIG thank you to all of the volunteers that participated in sharing their jobs with us!

Be patient while the videos load.

If you have any questions after listening to our guests, email Mrs. Rakowitz and she'd be glad to get in touch with them to ask!


Your Future

Hear a message from Mrs. Rakowitz with a quick overview of future options. Note: It's totally normal to change your mind a bunch of what you want to become!


Meet Amanda Rothe! She is a dietitian and a graduate of MVISD.

Brittany Virtual Career Share.mp4

SPorts Analyst

Meet Brittany Haby! She is a sports analyst for the Colorado Rockies.

Buck Maples.MPG

Martial Arts Instructor

Meet Sensei Buck Maples! He is a business owner/martial arts instructor and a graduate of MVISD.

Virtual Career Day-Julie Solis-Assistant District Attorney.mp4

Assistant District Attorney

Meet Julie Solis! She is an assistant district attorney for Medina County and a graduate of MVISD.


Game Warden

Meet Cody Buckaloo! He is a Texas Game Warden in Medina County.


Fashion Designer

Meet Jentry Benke! She is the owner and fashion designer of Crazy Train Clothing.

Obstetrician Gynecologist

Meet Dr. Mushtaler! She is a physician who delivers babies in Austin, TX.

Video Apr 27, 5 47 00 PM.mp4

Real Estate Agent

Meet Shannon Beasley! She is a Real Estate Agent in Castroville.

SAPD Sergeant

Meet Sgt. Tina Baron! She is a Sergeant with the San Antonio Police Department and a graduate of MVISD.


School Board TRustee

Shannon Beasley is also our School Board President! Take a tour of the boardroom and learn what a trustee does.


Editor/ Production Director

Meet Marcee Hillman Moeggenberg! She is an editor and production manager in Oregon!