Classroom Rules

Class Rules

Behavior Procedures are personal and social behaviors required to do a task or assignment that is repeated over and over throughout the day, week or year. Procedures are the expectations of how something is done.

Do the right thing! Treat people right!

We follow the protocol for TBRI. This is a structure that offers connection, compromise and structure for student behavior and challenges.

TBRI is a holistic intervention that meets the needs of the whole child. It is an approach to caregiving that is developmentally respectful, responsive to trauma, and attachment-based. TBRI purports three principles are the foundation for working with kids from hard places – Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting. Please follow our school newsletter for details.

Entering The Room Procedure:

Greet your friends respectfully.

Read the welcome message and follow the directions willingly.

Be responsible and get all materials ready quickly.

Take your seat before the announcements begin.

Listen actively.

Hallway Procedure:

Walk quietly at all times.

Keep to the right.

Greet classmates with a smile.

Never touch the walls with your hands, feet, or any personal belongings.

Respect work hanging on the walls.

Restroom Procedure:

Do the right thing!

Be patient if you have to wait.

Use common sense by flushing and washing your hands.

Be caring and throw away the paper towels.

Use self-control. Respect others privacy.

Return quickly and quietly.

Drinking Fountain Procedure:

Wait patiently for your turn.

Get a quick drink.

Be responsible.

Guest Teacher Procedure:

Greet the teacher with a smile.

Follow all classroom procedures.

Treat the guest teacher with respect