Mustang Central FAQs 21-22

How will I get my child’s schedule?

Schedule Pick Up will be Thursday, August 5th using the following schedule based on your student’s last name. To help limit health concerns, we are asking that your student is accompanied by only one parent and no siblings.

  • 11:00am - 1:20pm (Last Names A-G)

  • 1:20pm - 3:40pm (Last Names H-O)

  • 3:40pm - 6:00pm (Last Names P-Z)

  • Proof of Residency is required for us to be able to release a student’s schedule. Options are current electric, water, gas or lease agreement documents.

  • All immunization records must be up-to-date before a schedule will be released.

  • All students are required to pay a $20 student fee. Information regarding the student fee is listed below.

  • Any financial obligations from previous schools must be reconciled before a schedule will be released.

Mustang Virtual Academy & Blended Learning students will not attend the schedule pick up on 8/5. You will be receiving further instructions on what your residency verification/schedule process will look like.

What will Open House look like and will I get to meet my child’s teachers?

Open House will be held in person on August 23rd from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. You will be able to meet your child's teachers during this Open House. More information will be sent as we get closer to the date.

What should we expect on the first day of school?

Teachers and student WEB leaders will be visible at both the car drop off and bus drop off locations to direct students to where they need to go. The tardy bell rings at 8:40am and students are released and 3:35pm.

Will there be any changes of procedures for morning drop-off?

The procedures for morning drop-off will be to drop off students in the front of the school building on the north side of campus. Students will proceed to the cafeteria and gym when they arrive.

Where will students go each morning when they report to the school?

Students will proceed to the cafeteria and gym when they arrive. Both locations will be set up to accommodate for as much spacing out as possible amongst students. Students eating breakfast will sit every other seat and face the same direction. Students in the gym will sit on designated marked-off areas. Staff will be visible at both the car drop off and bus drop off locations to direct students to where they need to go.

Will my child be able to eat breakfast in the mornings?

Yes, your child will be able to eat breakfast in the morning. Seats will be set up to accommodate for as much spacing out as possible amongst students. Students eating breakfast will sit every other seat and face the same direction.

Will there be any safety precautions in place in the cafeteria during lunch periods?

Yes, in order to maintain as much spacing as possible, we will be using both the cafeteria and the gym for seating. We will only be using one side of the cafeteria tables to keep all students facing one direction. There will be transitions built in during lunches to allow us to sanitize the designated eating areas after each lunch. Students will also be encouraged to wash and clean hands both before and after eating lunch.

What is the plan for after students finish eating?

Students will be able to talk to those around them for the rest of the lunch period while staying seated and maintaining as much spacing as possible.

May I come to have lunch with my child?

Non-Essential visitation by adults is prohibited at this time.

What will the procedure be for afternoon dismissal?

Car riders will be released from classrooms to exit the north side of the building to wait for their transportation. Bus riders will proceed to the cafeteria and gym for dismissal. Both locations will be set up to accommodate for as much spacing out as possible amongst students while waiting on buses.

What is the plan for students while traveling in the halls?

Students will travel along the right side of the hallways to promote one way traffic flow in each direction. Students will not be permitted to congregate in the halls and be asked to move to class as quickly as possible.

Will students still be using the water fountains at school?

Water fountains will be turned off. Bottle fillers will be on and available for hands free refilling of personal water bottles where available. Students are encouraged to bring their own bottle and not share with others.

What are the safety precautions that will be put in place in the classroom?

  • Increase space between students during in-person instruction.

  • Move classes outdoors whenever possible.

  • Rearrange desks to increase space between students whenever possible.

  • Face desks in the same direction whenever possible.

  • Assign students seats.

  • Whenever possible activities that combine classes or grade levels will be limited.

Teachers will be creative in their seating arrangements. They will spread out utilizing tables, desks, floor w/ clipboard, alternate seating, etc. Classrooms will be sanitized regularly.

How will school supplies be used?

We will ask students to only use their own personal supplies and teachers will be asked to limit community supplies as much as possible. Some supplies may be collected by teachers for distribution to students throughout the year.

Will desks/chairs be cleaned throughout the day?

Yes, all classrooms will be provided with cleaning supplies so that teachers may sanitize regularly. Any additional anti-bacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, or Lysol spray that families can provide will be greatly appreciated!

What about things that students touch throughout the day?

High-touch surfaces will be regularly sanitized. Students will also be encouraged to regularly wash hands and keep hands clean throughout the day.

Will students be able to have snacks at school?

Food and water may be consumed outside of breakfast and lunch at teacher discretion.

What do I do if I need to check my student out from school?

We ask that only one parent or guardian come into the office to check out a student. The number of parents in the office at one time will be limited. Parents may need to wait in the foyer until space allows.

Will there be school-wide assemblies?

Assemblies and other school-wide gatherings will be scheduled in such a way to limit the size of groups to allow for as much spacing as possible. School administrators will manage logistics with the safety of students at the forefront of decisions.

May I volunteer at the school?

Volunteering by adults is prohibited at this time.

What happens if we have to quickly transition from the traditional classroom back to Distance Learning?

All students will be connected to their teachers via Canvas, our learning management system, to promote a seamless transition from face-to-face learning to distance learning.

What happens if school has started and we change our mind and want our child to change the delivery of instruction? For example my child has started in virtual instruction but now wants to move to traditional instruction.

Each delivery option will require a full semester commitment. A student will be able to change from virtual to traditional or vice versa for the second semester.