中心簡介 Introduce


The school formally established the Teaching Development Center in January 2013. It is expected to help teachers improve teaching methods, motivate students to learn actively and make good use of learning by providing consultation, training assistants, designing courses, tutoring students for self-study, and holding speeches and workshops Resources to create an excellent teaching environment. The Teaching Development Center will provide various teaching-related services and look forward to pursuing excellent teaching quality and cultivating outstanding talents with the teachers and students of the school.

校內業務 Service Content

  • 系科本位課程發展相關業務

  • 全校選課輔導相關業務

  • 全校課程地圖指南相關業務

  • 教學助理輔導業務

  • 教師教學評量及回饋機制業務

  • 教學績優教師遴選業務

  • 協辦教師評鑑業務

  • 各系、通識教育中心教師教學成長團體

  • 教師教學輔導手冊彙整

  • 遠距教學申請業務

  • 創新教學研發申請業務

教育部計畫 Ministry of Education Project

  • 執行「產業學院」計畫

  • 執行「技優領航」計畫

  • 執行「高等教育深耕」計畫

  • 執行「教學實踐」計畫