Intersecting Essential Literacy Practices & Content Practices
(Starting with Science)

October 11, 2023

10.11.23-Quartlery Meeting SLIC Academic Productive Talk- 2023

Resources Shared

Science Interview.mp4
The Inquiry Project Website
SEP and EIP.png
Wakelet Screenshot

Code: xtbttcrli

Ping-Pong and Volleyball.pdf

August 2023

Articles Shared

From Scientific Inquiry to Practices pg 5-8.pdf
Encouraging Academic Talk.pdf
SEP article elementary.pdf
SEP Vignettes pg 8-12.pdf
Language of Science Writing.pdf
Copy of Coaching is.pdf
Building Science Language.pdf
Multimodal Text and Engage All.pdf
SLIC Flyer Update (4).pdf
NSTA SEP Matrix.pdf

Vignettes Shared

Oakridge Lower Elementary, 3rd Grade.pdf
Otsego Public Schools Lower Elementary, 1stGrade.pdf
Forest Hills 1st Grade Pine Ridge.pdf
Lowell Bushnell Elementary, 1st Grade.pdf