Grant Resource Hub

3.21.24  35j and GELN Essential Instructional Practices Planning Initial Support     (GELN Shared Supporting Document)                                                                                                                                         Purpose:                                                                                                                                                                                                           

This document is intended to be a support to principals, coaches, and administrators as they plan for the 35j grant and using GELN’s Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy as a part of their professional learning and targeted comprehensive literacy plan. It is intended to be a starting point for considering options for how it might look in one’s district and how one might create a budget. It is not exhaustive nor prescriptive.  ISD literacy coaches can be a great thought partner in developing a plan that meets an individual district’s context. 

In this document: Explanation video of how to use this document and Slides version

Supportive Resources: 


***Please feel free to connect with  Mary Johnson , Sarah Coleman, or your early literacy coach if you have any questions or a thought partner in this process.  

Section 35j Memo.pdf

January 26, 2024

Updated 3/14/24

35j Application Format

February 9, 2024


MDE Checklist for 35j Grant

2.11.24  Template 

Copy of Condensed Literacy Plan Template

2.11.24 Template --         Shortened Version

History: Add. 2023, Act 103,                Eff. Oct. 1, 2023 

35j Language: Curriculum Adoption (Exploration/Pilot/Implementation)


35j Language: Diverse Classroom Library

Sample Targeted Literacy Plan


Professional Learning Opportunities Innovation, 2.15.24

Curriculum Adoption, Implementation, and Mon

Great resource from Instruction Partners for those exploring, piloting, and/or implementing a new ELA curriculum.  Instructional framework guide (Link)


Remember to click APPLY LATER at this stage of the grant.

Information about the     Targeted Literacy Plan

Remember to Click ALL boxes

Supporting Tools

Mary Johnson, ELA Consultant

Muskegon Area ISD

*In Collaboration with            Michelle Wagner, Wayne RESA