Carlo Robertson Memorial

October 2, 2021,1:30 PM ET


Beethoven Cello sonata #3 in A, op. 69, 1st movement: allegro ma non tanto
Arthur Cook, cello; Deborah Gilwood, piano
[Prerecorded in Jersey City and Amherst respectively]

Dennis Yasutomo, Esther Cloudman Dunn Professor of Government: opening remarks

Greg White, Mary Huggins Gamble Professor of Government

Judge Katherine A. Robertson, daughter

Peter Rowe, Professor Emeritus, Government department

Christina M. Robertson (Whitehead), daughter

Howard Nenner, Roe/Straut Professor Emeritus in the Humanitities, History department

Claudio C. Rochat-FĂ©lix, step-son

Thomas Derr, Professor Emeritus of Religion and Biblical Literature

Denise Rochat, Professor Emerita, French Studies department: closing remarks


Beethoven Cello sonata #3 in A, op 69, 3rd movement: adagio cantabile, allegro vivace
Arthur Cook, cello; Deborah Gilwood, piano