Ms. Wong
Room 23
5th Grade
Current Teaching Assignment
5th Grade in Room 23
Phone: 635-2674 ext. 1947 (please note that I check my email more often than voicemail, and all calls during school hours go directly to voicemail)
Excited about the First Day of School? Let's get ready for a great year !!!
Link to Back to School Night Slides on 8/24/23: BTSN 2023
Scope, Storyworks, Newsela, Scholastic Reading, and Junior Scholastic:
To access Scope articles, videos, audio files, go to:
To access Junior Scholastic videos and articles, go to:
To access Storyworks videos and articles, go to
Student password is sinnott23 for both magazines
Additional READING resources for students:
Scholastic added more FUN articles by reading/grade level:
-5th grade level:
-6th or higher grade level:
- EPIC books online at
Password: xin2862
Newsela - each student in my class has an account. After reading each article, there is a short 4 question quiz to check for comprehension. Students may lookup words they do not know while they are reading the articles. Students may also 'adjust' the lexile level of each article so that they could learn more vocabulary.
CLASS CODE for Newsela is 7U57PS
Math Links - with videos of problem solving and teaching for each chapter/lesson
Our online Math Book:
Username: (same as student's email login without the part)
Password: (same as student's email password)
-Go to the Library. Select the "Practice Book SE G5" book. That is the Homework book the students have. You may print this page, or if you don't have a printer, get a separate sheet of paper and write down the Problem Number and Answers.
On this website, there are also videos teaching 'how to' on the necessary skills and steps, and on-line manipulatives that you could play with to practice a skill.
Learn Higher Level Math:
Khan Academy - select the 5th grade or 6th grade math track and add as their 'coach'.
More Math Practice:
code: WONGDD
Prodigy: Prodigy at
Students log in through Clever or use the unique code I provided each student already.
Social Studies
Students will each take home a copy of the 5th grade Social Studies Book, in which they could highlight and write.
Quizzes could be accessed from Google Classroom or directly at the Pearson Easybridge site (click on Google icon, scroll to the very bottom to find the orange color bridge (Pearson Easybridge icon).
Reading Counts program, Lexile Lookup, and POINTS:
Students read at least 25 minutes every day Mon. - Thur. or more.
Students must earn at least 4 reading counts points every 2 weeks (any lexile book).
To learn R.C. Prizes, students must read books that are no less than 50 points below their current lexile. Please check the book's lexile and points by looking up the book HERE (this is a list that my volunteers and I have compiled) or go to to look up books by Title or Author.
Example: a student whose SRI score is 800 lexile should read books that are 750 lexile or HIGHER and pass the book quiz to earn prizes.
We take the SRI test monthly near the END of each month. Ways to improve this score include learning more words (looking up words they don't know while they are reading a book), using context clues, reading carefully, and reading more (practice helps).
EASIER: Download the FREE Scholastic App onto your I-Phone, I-Pad, or Android devices to Quickly lookup a book's Lexile level. It uses scanning, voice, or type search to do the 'lookup'. This is especially convenient if you are at the Library or a Book Sale and you want to check which books are at your Child's Lexile level.
The App is called 'Book Wizard by Scholastic'.
Here are 2 links for itunes and Google Play:
Scholastic Book Orders are submitted at least once a month.
Please either order online or use the paper form your child brought home.
For online purchases, please go to
Then look for my account under Melissa Wong or enter Class code: J3DWB (the middle letter is a capital d as in 'dog')
Every order through Scholastic earns Rm. 23 new books, especially in the first month's order of the school year. Even if you usually do not order books via Scholastic, please consider making a purchase in August-September, when they give classrooms the most points. J3DWB is our classroom code that must be used with online orders in order for our classroom to receive points. Thank you!!
Other online learning sites :
MYSTERY SCIENCE - super fun learning with short videos (by grade level): (This is a CLASS Favorite!)
ART - free ART lessons/videos:
Drawing - Youtube Art for Kids Hub: (they draw a Pusheen cat, a pig, a unicorn, and many more )
Ted ed for students and parents:
Virtual Field Trips - (ie panda cam, a farm, an aquarium)
Webcam for our National Parks:
Live Camera at the Monterey Bay Aquarium:
How to paint Monet's waterlilies -
How to Handletter - Youtube 10 tips from an expert:
How to Draw 3-D shapes (prisms, pyramids...) -
Unexpected Math behind Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' -
Videos and Articles on: Parenting, Children's Happiness, Anxiety, Education, etc...
Tips on raising Happy Teens (and Teens helping themselves too) : Video - TedX - short :
David McCullough Jr. on what high schoolers need most:
How to be Happier Parents:
Message to High School Grads in a Commencement Speech (humorous with grains of truth) :
PE modules for 5th graders
Please make sure you have space around you before you do #1 to #4. I don't want you to bonk your head or elbows... #5 will need to be done outdoors unless you have a treadmill (the exercise machine you can run on).
1. Curl Up:
2. Trunk Lift:
3. Push Up:
4. Shoulder Stretch:
5. One Mile Run:
Indoor exercise videos for kids:
Go Noodle:
Yoga for Kids: on Youtube:
By Alexis Yeap and Family