
Regular Day Schedule

8:00am Arrive 5-10 minutes early (have your child use the restroom at home         before coming to school)

9:40 - 10:00am Recess

11:30 - 12:20pm Lunch/Recess - students eat for 25-30 minutes followed by recess

1:30pm Dismissal

*If students are not picked up by 1:35pm, they will wait in the office.

Minimum Day Schedule 

8:00am School begins

9:30 - 10:00am Lunch/Recess

12:00pm Dismissal

*Kindergarteners are dismissed earlier than grades 1-6 on minimum days.  They are NOT allowed to wait in the office for older siblings.

When parking on campus, you must park in a parking spot.  DO NOT PARK NEXT TO THE YELLOW CURB in the parking lot closest to the Kindergarten playground.  That is a designated pick-up/drop-off lane that MUST remain open AT ALL TIMES.