Virtual Pathway
Welcome to the MUSD EducatEveryWhere Virtual Pathways Program, serving seventh through twelfth grade students. As your partners in education, please know that you will have teachers and staff to help guide you as the home coach and your student. You will find much of the information you need on this page. Again, welcome to the exciting year together that we have ahead of us!
Independent Program Support Contacts
Liz Riddley
Secondary VPP Secretary | 408-635-2805 ext. 4401
Priti Johari
Executive Director of Learning and Innovation | 408-635-2600 x6042
Program Information
SECONDARY: Enrollment for 2023-24 School Year for 7th-12th grades
You must contact your students' academic counselor to request a referral to the Virtual Pathway Program.
Calaveras High School
Jonathan Payne
Milpitas High School
Valerie Lamb
Aldine Dimmick
Beth Harke
Julie Cler
Adrian Hernandez
Cory Nakamoto
Jennifer Evarkiou
Milpitas Middle College High School
Karisa Scott
Rancho Middle School
Denise Hall
Russell Middle School
Latisha Roberts
Current Information for 2022-23 VPP Program
Class Google Meet Links
We will use Google Meet for asynchronous class time, parent meetings, etc.
Links will be provided by the teacher at the time of the required intake appointment.
Secondary students have a more flexible asynchronous time but will need to keep engaged and on track with assignments.
Your students attendance is based on student productivity; thus, completion of assignments is very important.
Synchronous times and daily check-ins
7-8th will have weekly synchronous (individual appointment times with the teacher) AND daily check-ins in the afternoon (see representative schedule below).
9-12th will have a weekly meeting (individual appointment time with the teacher).
Instructional Materials
For all 6th - 12th graders, there are no books needed. Instructional materials are built into the learning platform.
School Meal Program
Application for free and reduced meals here.
How to Enroll
For Elementary - this program will no longer exist for Elementary aged students in 2023-24.
For Secondary, please contact your school Counselor to request a referral. Enrollment is not automatic and cannot be guaranteed. And to support consistency in academic programming for students there will be "no movement" the last three weeks of the grading periods. Please note there is currently a waitlist for enrollment at the secondary level for all grade levels.
If your student has an IEP or 504, a site level meeting must be held to determine whether a change of placement is recommended by the team.
School Calendar
Small Group Tutoring Option
Virtual & Small Group or In Person Tutoring Available! Please contact your Independent Study Teacher to schedule a tutorial session.
Terri Augustine, Teacher (Grades 9-12)
Tiberius Nyantika, Teacher (Grades 9-12)
Rebeca Rios, Teacher (Grades 7-8)