
 3rd Grade in Room 17 with Ms. Cadorin

Current Teaching Assignment

3rd grade at Spangler is  teamwork.  Ms. King, Ms. Umana and I collaborate weekly to bring our best teaching to our students.  Each of us has a unique style and we utilize our strengths to prepare and deliver high level learning experiences for each child.  

About Me

This is my 15th year of teaching.  I love facilitating a classroom community of learners who respect one another and who set individual and collective goals to be their best selves.  I hope all students will come to appreciate the power of reading and the delight of mathematical thinking as they work their way through our 3rd grade Common Core curriculum.  Some of my personal passions are: reading, hiking, traveling, art, nature and languages.  I've been lucky to live in two European countries: Italy and France, and consequently I love to speak both Italian and French. My two children Alex, 28, and Susie, 25, are a privilege to parent and are my heart's delight! My partner Austa, retired Pomeroy teacher, is also a mother of two awesome adults.  Together we raise 3 dogs  ( Molly, Milou and Scooter) . Whenever feasible, I fly to Connecticut to spend time with my Mom, sister Eileen ( a retired 3rd grade teacher) and her family.

MUSD District Office 

1331 East Calaveras Blvd. 

Milpitas, CA 95035


Spangler Elementary School

140 N. Abbott Ave.

Milpitas, CA  95035
