Maestra Rivero

Spanish 2 & Spanish AP

¡Bienvenidos! Currently I teach Spanish 2 and Spanish AP Language and Culture. I am also an advisor for Latino Student Union and UNICEF.

Student Hours: By appointment

First day of class is Thursday August 10th. Check your AERIES account for your schedule and check your Google Classroom to make sure you are added to the correct section. Make sure to check your emails for important Parent Square messages for the first week! 5th period students will have advisory with me Wednesdays. I look forward to getting to know you all this year.

Homework is updated weekly on Google Classroom and AERIES will be used for your grade book.

If you are wondering what to do to get ready for the first day. Here are my recommendations: 1) Make sure you have a computer. Remember you can check one out when you go register. 2) Go to AERIES and add yourself to Google Classroom. 3) Add Google Drive and Classroom to your phone 4) Enjoy your last days of summer!

Hablo español. Familias o estudiantes si tienen alguna duda o preocupación comuníquense conmigo.

Look for the code in your syllabus

MHS Library

Look for the code in your syllabus

You will need one of these for written activities.

MUSD District Office

1331 East Calaveras Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035

408-635-2600 Phone

Milpitas High School

1285 Escuela Parkway, Milpitas, CA 95035

408-635-2800 Phone | 408-635-2851 Fax