California Partnership Academy Model

Digital Business Academy

The Digital Business Academy is grant-funded through the California Department of Education and follows the requirements of the State CPA Academy Program Model (in addition to the regular high school curriculum) which includes the following all related to the Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) Industry Sector:

Guest Speakers

Field trips

Career Mentors

Advisory Committee

Motivational Activities-Teambuilding

Job Shadowing/Internships

Block Scheduling for Academy Classes

Common Planning Time for Teacher Team

Organized Student Recruitment

Creative Student Assessments including:

Industry Certifications for Workplace readiness

Senior Showcase Portfolio Presented to Industry Professionals

Formative and Summative Assessment

Program Assessment

Student/Teacher Surveys

Alumnae Feedback

Team Program Assessment

Financial Budgetary Funding Reporting Requirements

Proposed Budgets, End of Project Reports, Annual State Reports

NAFEducational Design.pdf