School Leadership


School Leadership Team 2019-2020

Contact your SLT here

The SLT and Muscota Parent Association (PA) work to empower our school community and to ensure that all school-wide committees are working toward the same goals.

All New York State public schools have a School Leadership Team (SLT). The School Leadership Team (SLT) is responsible for developing the Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP), which sets annual goals for the school in all areas and focuses on developing educational strategies for improvement. This entails assessing school needs, setting academic and community goals and aligning the use of resources to these needs.

2019-2020 School Leadership Team

Your Muscota New School Leadership Team is a collaborative, passionate, diverse group of elected parents, teachers and administrators.

We are a diverse group with equal representation for staff and parents. Our team is charged with looking at the common mission to serve our school and to put aside our personal interests, a sometimes difficult feat. The SLT is a consensus-based decision making team and it is important that all members have a clear understanding of the proposal and the concerns of teachers, administrators and parents before making a decision.

Parent Members Staff Members

Evelyn Fernandez & Sarah Blazer Camille Wallin

Anna Philip Michael Cabrera

Christine Berlane Lailany Rodriguez

Karen Scher Amy Ward

Karah Rempe Sarah Butler

Wendy Trinidad Erin Ormond

2018-2019 SLT Meeting Schedule

Your team, comprised of equal numbers of parents and teachers/administrators, meets once a month at the schedule listed below.

All meetings are open for observation.

Speakers who wish to present to the SLT may submit their request up to one week in advance to

3:00pm - 4:30pm EST

3rd Floor

September 26, 2018

October 18, 2018

November 29, 2018

December 20, 2018

January 17, 2019

February 28, 2019

March 21, 2019

April 11, 2019

May 23, 2019

June 13, 2019

FAQ (or NYC education jargon for lay-parents)

Click here for a glossary of past items discussed. If you have a word/acronym/concept, you wish more information about, please let us know.

Contacting your SLT Team

Email any questions to your SLT Team.