Peer Helpers

What are Peer Helpers?

What we do?

Peer Helpers are expected to volunteer doing the school year with our monthly community service projects as scheduled by the Peer Leaders. These projects revolve around the Muscogee County School District's Character Words of the month. If a member cannot participate in 2 or more activities on the scheduled group dates, he/she must create a tentative plan for participation. Failure to meet this obligation will result in termination as a member. Participation in other scheduled activities will be expected.

Examples of previous projects: RMS Recycling, The Great Kindness Challenge Week, Thankful Turkey, Positive Affirmations, Red Ribbon Week, Clothing Drive for Sara Spano (MCSD) and RMS Royal Room (onsite) clothing bank, Teen Lures videos, etc.



In order to be chosen as a Peer Helper, the student must not have an “F” on his/her progress/report card prior to his/her application, and grades can not fall below a “C” average in any class. Upon membership, the sponsors will check report cards each nine weeks. If at any time, a member falls below the academic standard set forth, membership will be suspended and possibly terminated.


If a Peer Helper receives below a “90” in Conduct or receives “Saturday School,” he/she will be placed on probation for a nine-week period. If a Peer Helper is placed in ISS, he/she will also be given probation for a nine-week period. If a Peer Helper is given OSS, he/she will be expelled from membership.


A cooperative attitude is expected of each of the members at all times. This attitude will be present during group work with each other, the sponsors, and even during individual work. This is a must to ensure efficient use of the meeting times and activities. Failure to present this type of attitude will result in the hindrance of the entire membership’s ability to excel and will be dealt with severely. Any member displaying an attitude or behavior that interferes with the progress of the group will be forced to sit out a meeting or activity.