Parent Information

I would like to welcome you and your child to the third grade. I also want to give you some important information that will make you aware of the expectations I have of your third grade child. I have reviewed this information with the class but I would appreciate it very much if you would go over this information again with your child and discuss it with them. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school and schedule a conference with me.


To make sure your child has the opportunity to learn this year, I want you to be aware of the class rules. Individual and social responsibilities are important goals in our classroom. Students must be responsible for their own learning and behavior and for acting in the best interests of the group. In order to help students reach these goals I have developed the following general rules of conduct for our class that follow along with our school expectations of doing right thing and treating people right.

· Listen carefully and follow directions.

· Raise your hand before you speak.

· Use kind words and actions.

· Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

· Walk quietly in the hallway.

Each day, I will give students feedback on their behavior using ClassDojo. Please join our class on ClassDojo to view this feedback and feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns.


Breakfast begins at 7:15. If your child will be eating breakfast and comes to school by car, please have them at school on time so he/she will have time to eat and get to class before the tardy bell rings. In order for your child to be successful in third grade, attendance is vital. School and class instruction begins at 8:00 each morning. Dismissal is at 2:30 PM. All students who arrive after 8:00 must sign in through the office. If for some reason your child has to be absent, please send a note the next day explaining the reason. As mandated by the MCSD, students may be absent from school only 15 days per school year. If a student is absent from school, a note is to be brought from parent/guardian stating a reason for the absence within three school days. A student is considered absent if they check out before 11:15 AM. A referral to the social worker is initiated after five unexcused absences.


Each child will have a folder. This folder is basically a communication folder that will go home every night and be returned every day. The folder will contain classroom information, school letters, notes, and anything that needs to be sent to/from home. This will be used for transporting important notes, book order money, etc. Be sure to send any money to school in an envelope with your child’s name, amount, and purpose of the money.

If at any time you feel you need a conference please either send a note, email, or call the school. The school number is 706-748-2479. My email address is


Students are expected to be in school uniforms each day. Shirts are to be a solid color (light blue, navy blue, or white). Collared shirts are preferred with short or long sleeves. No graphics are allowed on the shirts and logos/emblems many only be approximately 1 inch in length. Shirts are to be tucked in and belts are to be worn. Students may wear navy blue or khaki shorts, pants, capris, shirts, skorts, and jumpers. Shorts and skirts must be no higher than 3 inches about the knees. If pants have loops, then a belt is required. If your child wears tights with their dresses or skirts, they should be a solid color that matches the uniform. All shoes need to have enclosed toes and heels (tennis shoes are preferred).


All medication is administered to students and logged in the office. A release form is included in this handbook and must be filled out and signed by a parent for ALL medication. Medicine will be given only when a release form is signed and sent along with the medication container with the original label (including name, type of medication, physician’s name, dosage, and instructions regarding medication to be administered). Students may not self-administer medication (prescription or non-prescription) and no medication will be given to students without the signed form.


Please note that your child’s safety and well-being are very important to me. A determination is made during registration regarding transportation home for each child. From now on, if your child will be going home a different way, I musthave a WRITTEN note from you informing me of how your child is going home. If I do not have written permission, I will send your child home the regular way regardless of what your child says that you said. I hope that you understand that this is for your child’s safety and protection. If you are picking up your child, please remember to leave the dismissal tag issued on your dashboard to help with dismissal.


Work samples will be kept as part of a portfolio that will be housed in the classroom. Progress Reports will be available every four and a half weeks. Report Cards will be available every nine weeks.

A = 100-90 (excellent progress)

B = 89-80 (above average progress)

C = 79-70 (average progress)

F = 69-0 (unsatisfactory progress/failure)

For conduct, students will receive a letter grade based on the scale below:

S- Satisfactory Behavior

N- Behavior Needs Improvement

U- Unsatisfactory Behavior


At the Awards Program held at the end of the school year, students are recognized with the presentation of certificates. Students receiving special recognition for academic achievement are invited, with parents and relatives.