Athletic Trainer

Career Spotlight

Job Description:


Soft Skills:

My Personal Traits are:

Traits to improve on: 

Hard Skills:

Employment Outlook:

Cost of Education:


Interview Questions 

Name of Interviewee:  Chad Johnson

Job Title: Athletic Trainer

Question #1: What would you suggest I do in high school to prepare for this career?

I think just studying and getting a good solid foundation and good grades is the best thing you can do in high school to prepare.

Question #2: What education or training do you need to have for this job?

you have to have a bachelor's degree and meet all the prerequisites for medical school, then graduate from medical school and match into a primary care residency, then apply for and match into a sports medicine fellowship.

Question #3: How much do most people spend on education and training for this career? Do you have any suggestions for how I can pay for that?

the cost is actually very high. I’m sure tuition has gone up at most, if not all schools, but you have to pay for your four year degree. I gratefully did not have to pay for that as I was on scholarship. So I don’t know how much that costs. However, I paid 38,000 a semester for eight semesters in medical school. That adds up really quickly. I had to pay for it with student loans, as most people do. Then you spend several years paying them back.

Question #4: What licenses or certifications are required for this job and how often do they have to be renewed? What does that process look like?

I have to maintain dual board certifications. This includes getting continuing medical education credits, around 150 every three years. Every 10 years I have to take my family medicine board. It is a full day, timed test, assessing to make sure I am up on current concepts in medicine. I also had to take my sports medicine certificate from the added qualification board every 10 years, but that is staggered from my FM board. it is pretty comprehensive, and they make sure you are staying up on all things medical to remain board-certified. I have to have a medical license through the Idaho board of medicine and that has to be renewed every 1 to 2 years. I have to have a DEA license to be allowed to prescribe controlled medications as well as a board of pharmacy license. Those both renew annually. There are additional costs for organization membership, and I belong to four different sports medicine organizations. We also have several conferences that can be attended every year. I always go to two or three per year. That is one location I’d like to get my CME (continuing medical education.)