
Choice Boards

Parents & Students: The purpose of this site is to support Murray County families and students while our schools are closed due to COVID - 19 and the need for social distancing. The choice boards are activities designed for students to access educational activities during this time. Each grade level has a page where lessons and activities can be found.

Check out the Parent and Family Resources page with supporting links to help families learn together.

Padres y estudiantes: El propósito de este sitio es apoyar a las familias y estudiantes del condado de Murray mientras nuestras escuelas están cerradas debido a COVID - 19 y la necesidad de distanciamiento social. Los tableros de elección son actividades diseñadas para que los estudiantes tengan acceso a actividades educativas durante este tiempo. Cada nivel de grado tiene una página donde se pueden encontrar lecciones y actividades.

Consulte la página de Recursos para padres y familias con enlaces de apoyo para ayudar a las familias a aprender juntas.


Choice Boards for the week of April 27th

K Choice Board Week 3 english.pdf


K Choice Board Week 3 (spanish ) Jocelyn martinez).pdf


Choice boards for the week of May 4

K Choice Board Week 4.pdf


K Choice Board Week 4 (spanish).pdf


1st grade

Choice Boards for the week of April 27th

1st grade choiceboard week 3 english.pdf


1st grade choiceboard week 3 spanish (jocelyn martinez).pdf


Choice boards for the week of May 4

1st grade choiceboard 4 english.pdf


1st grade choiceboard 4 spanish (jocelyn martinez).pdf


2nd grade

Choice Boards Week of April 27

second grade choice board week 3 english.pdf


second grade choice board week 3 spanish (jocelyn martinez).pdf


Choice Boards for the week of May 4

second grade choice board week 4 english.pdf


second grade choice board week 4 (spanish tinez).pdf
