Natural Gas Engineering

Advanced Natural Gas Engineering

Course Summary

History of Natural Gas

  • The first use of natural gas was probably some 2400 years ago by the Chinese, who used natural gas piped through the bamboo to evaporate water from brine for salt production

  • Manufactured or Town gas was developed in the late 17 th early 18 th century for local residential and commercial lighting, again using wooden pipes This was not natural gas but manufactured methane from carbon

  • In 1821 in Fredonia, New York, William A Hart drilled a 27 foot deep well in an effort to get a larger flow of gas from a surface seepage of natural gas This was the first well intentionally drilled to obtain natural gas

  • In the early years of oil production, the associated natural gas was first released then flared and only locally used, so much of the early gas was wasted

  • After WWII the natural gas industry took off with the ability to manufacture iron pipe

The following slides review the overview of the natural gas industry!

Natural Gas Resources

Conventional gas

Associated gas found with oil

Non associated gas found alongside minimal oil, dry gas, gas well gas

Approximately 93% of the gas produced in the US is non-associated gas

Tight Sand Gas

Found in low permeability sandstone formations

Porosity ( f ) is still on the order of 0.20 0.30

Permeability (K) 0.001 < K < 1 mD millidarcy

Shale Gas/Gas rich Shale/Tight Shale

Found in low permeability shales

Porosity ( f ) may be as great as 0.12

Permeability (K) is typically less than 1 mD

Coalbed Methane

Found in coal beds

Less than 3,000 ft deep

Gas Hydrates

Discovered in 1810, snow-like solids

Water molecules bond together in a form of the crystalline lattice

Inside which methane molecules are trapped

Contain 170x the natural gas by volume (STP)

Review the above information in the following image. Click the spots for more information.