Transforming Justice Vision & Core Strategies

transforming justice full map drawing including a half circle with key multnomah county landmarks, smaller round circles above the map with sketches of people interacting together, and below the half circle, 18 small circles that represent the core strategies behind the work

Thank you for your interest in the Transforming Justice project of the Multnomah County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council.

Through a unique, human-centered process of collaboration between criminal legal system leaders, health system leaders, elected officials, providers, victims of crime, and individuals with lived justice system experience, we developed a long-term vision to drive a strategic planning process for the adult public safety systems. Human-centered processes solve big problems by keeping human experiences (particularly those with legal system contact) in focus. This project focuses on expanding health strategies that provide behavioral health services, medical treatment, housing, and employment, outside of the current traditional criminal legal system.

The work ahead of us is implementation of the 18 core strategies. Core strategies hold up the vision—they represent big movements in the direction of the vision. Core strategies explain how we are going to get from where we are to where we want to be.

For more information about the Transforming Justice project and further details about the work completed to date, please visit