En este site, podrás obtener toda la información necesaria sobre las actividades extraescolares de tu hijo...

Está cerrado únicamente a los padres del colegio, por lo que nos permitirá ir incorporando noticias, fotos y vídeos de vuestros hijos además de anuncios que os puedan interesar.

Los grupos, excepto en algunos deportes como el fútbol (soccer), deberán alcanzar un mínimo de 8 alumnos para su viabilidad.

Todas las actividades están impartidas por especialistas titulados en distintas disciplinas y cuentan con un seguimiento permanente.

Las familias, recibiréis una evaluación periódica del rendimiento y evolución de vuestros hijos.


In this site, you will be able to obtain all the necessary information about the extracurricular activities of your son ...

It is closed only to the parents of the school, so it will allow us to incorporate news, photos and videos of your children as well as ads that may interest you.

Groups, except in some sports such as soccer, must reach a minimum of 8 students for their viability.

All activities are taught by specialists in different disciplines and are permanently monitored.

Families will receive a periodic evaluation of the performance and evolution of your children.


La formación como personas equilibradas, libres y competentes, exige cultivar alma, mente y cuerpo... Nuestro trabajo en el colegio consiste en cubrir esta necesidad durante el horario escolar. Por eso, concebimos las actividades extra-escolares o extra-curriculares como un COMPLEMENTO perfecto que enriquezca a nuestros chicos, a través del cual podrán completar su currículo, practicar deporte y divertirse.

Training as balanced, free and competent people requires cultivating soul, mind and body ... Our job at school is to meet this need during school hours. That's why we conceive extra-curricular activities as a perfect COMPLEMENT that enriches our children, through which they can complete their curriculum, play sports and have fun.

All activities are taught by specialists in different disciplines and are permanently monitored. Families will receive a periodic evaluation of the performance and evolution of your children.