AP World History 

Countdown to the APWH: Modern Exam

May 15, 2024 9:00 a.m.

AP World History Late Work Policy:

Quizzes and tests should be made up on the day you return from an absence.

Assignments and projects that were due the day you were absent are due upon your return.

Due dates for long-term projects (one week or longer) are firm and will only be adjusted if requested 2 days prior to the date it is due.

All classwork and homework assignments will be accepted up to two weeks late; if submitted after that, only up to half credit (a 50%) will be awarded based on quality of the work.

Click Here to Join Our Google Classroom (students only):

1st Period: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE2NjQyMzMyNzg2?cjc=axdxx7k

2nd Period: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjE2NjQyNjQyNjAx?cjc=4mxbemq 

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