Mrs. Morris Classroom Site 


Welcome to my classroom site! This will be a great source for communication! 

***I am currently out on maternity leave until November. Please follow the calendar and check google classroom for material missed. I will be checking my email every other day, so please feel free to reach out. But if its immediate contact the long-term sub. ***

Announcements and calendar events can be located on the google calendar! Check weekly for makeup assignments, etc. 

Hello! My name is Chelsea Morris. I am a Verde Valley native! Former Marauder, graduated in 2009. My love and skill of volleyball helped me receive a scholarship to a community college called South Mountain ( Phoenix, AZ). I played there for 2 years and received my Associates degree. From there I was able to receive a full ride scholarship for volleyball to a Division 2 school called Northern State University ( Aberdeen, SD). While playing volleyball there I found my passion for fitness. I graduated from there with my Bachelors in Science with an Emphasis in Human Performance and Fitness. Eventually I made my way back to Cottonwood.

This will be my 8th year teaching here at Mingus! During the first  couple  years of teaching I received my Masters Degree in Secondary Education.

When I am not teaching. I love taking my two dogs on a runs, walks  or hikes. My husband and I try to go on as many adventures as we can. Our newest adventure is our beautiful baby boy.