
Prior to student registration

Prior to the student’s enrollment in the internship, the faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator should meet with the student to discuss the duties and responsibilities required for the internship, the number of hours required for the internship, the academic project that will be completed and the due date for the project. Students may be required to complete a learning contract.

The faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator will initiate contact with the site supervisor to define the student’s duties and responsibilities and to discuss expectations of performance during the internship. The faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator should send a link to the Site Supervisor portion of the Internship Web Page.

Students may disclose a disability or special need for which special arrangements or accommodations may be necessary. The Director of Disability Services should have supporting documentation on file and should be consulted to see if accommodations are possible.


Faculty sponsor or department internship coordinators should ensure that the Internships and Practicums form includes a reasonably detailed description of the course. The Registrar’s Office will not accept forms that do not. These forms will be returned to the faculty supervisor.

Each internship must be approved by the academic advisor and faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator. The faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator will be responsible for the academic supervision of individual internships and the integration of the practical and theoretical work. The internship will be graded pass/fail except when required by the major.

Academic Oversight

Ongoing meetings should be scheduled with the student to discuss the internship experience. The faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator should schedule a minimum of three meetings during the semester. Meetings should occur two weeks after the internship begins, at the midterm of the semester and at the end of the semester. In cases where meetings are not possible, regular contact by other means should be maintained.

The faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator should maintain contact with the site supervisor. Periodic contacts should be made at the beginning, midpoint, and end of the semester. Site visitations should be arranged at the discretion of the sponsor. A mid-term evaluation of the student intern should be obtained from the site supervisor. Additionally, a final evaluation should be obtained from the site supervisor before the last day of classes or the last day of the internship, whichever comes first.


Two to three weeks before the end of the semester, the faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator should meet with the student to review the progress on the academic project and to reaffirm the deadline for completion of the project.

The faculty sponsor or department internship coordinator will assign a final grade based on the student’s academic project and the site supervisor’s evaluation. Grades are due on the date established by the Registrar.

Workplace Conflict/Sexual Harassment for Internship/Practica for Credit

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects people from discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX regulations require that each school subject to Title IX have a Title IX Coordinator. Muhlenberg College’s Title IX Coordinator is:

Lin-Chi Wang, J.D.

Director of Equity & Title IX Coordinator



Discrimination on the basis of sex includes education or work opportunities given or taken away because of an individual’s sex or gender; when a hostile environment is created by another due to conduct on the basis of sex or gender; or when sexual harassment, including sexual assault, occurs.

Even though you may be off-site during your internship experience, because it is an academic program, we expect that all employees treat our students with respect and professionalism and to maintain a workplace free from sex discrimination. The same is expected of our students who are interacting with employees on an employer’s site.

If you have questions or want to report an incident that occurred at your employer’s site, you can address it directly with your onsite supervisor or the employer’s Human Resources office. If you are uncomfortable or hesitant doing so, you may contact the College’s Career Services or the College’s Title IX Coordinator for assistance. The Title IX Coordinator can work with the student to ensure that any inappropriate conduct that may have occurred at an internship site is properly addressed.

The College’s policy pertaining to Title IX can be found here.

Incidents can be reported to the College online here or directly to the Title IX Coordinator by the email or phone number listed above.

Resources for Faculty



    • Discuss the problem with the student or site supervisor

    • Intervene if necessary

    • Consult with the Dean of Academic Life: 484-664-3130

    • Refer to the Workplace Conflict/Sexual Harassment for Internship/Practica for Credit link above