2nd grade

Mrs. Budish

pics taken by Colt

Mrs.Budish's class is loving Fall

Our 2nd grade students are very excited for Fall. Grayson and Kevin prefer red leaves. Summer and Bella enjoy hazel colored leaves, while Chevy likes green leaves. Halloween is approaching, and the students are excited for the candy to come. Maci C and William can't wait for Kit Kats. Bodee, Grayson, and Madden love Reese's. Roseline likes Airheads, Hayes likes Gummy Bears, Bella likes Sour Worms, and Braely likes Twizzlers. To get that candy, they must dress up. Kevin, William, Grayson, and Anthony are going to be skeletons. While Summer and Braely are going to be mermaids. Avery V and Isabella are going to be Vampires. Samantha is going to be Rainbow Dash. Bodee is going to be Drift from Fortnite. David wants to be Spider-Man, Madden wants to be a soldier, and lastly, Aubrey and Aiden are going to be clowns. Meanwhile, in class they are learning about solids, liquids, gases and their physical changes.

by Desiree and Lillian