What are merits?

Merits are tokens awarded to honor, affirm, and celebrate you when you go above and beyond school expectations - displaying our school Core Values - Family, Diversity, Investment, and Growth! #FDIG


Our goal is to strengthen our school community by affirming, honoring and celebrating all scholars for their brilliance and unique identities! 

How do I earn merits?

Merits can be earned in various ways. When scholars exhibit Muchin's core values (FDIG), Muchin staff are committed to acknowledging and celebrating those actions/behaviors by naming it when it happens, affirming the behavior by explaining how it builds a strong community in our shared spaces, and submitting merits earned into PowerSchool.  

MCP Scholars, we want to hear from you too! Want to give someone a shoutout for displaying our core values? Submit your response here!

*Muchin core values located below 

Muchin College Prep Core Values


Support and encourage one another.

Authentic, vulnerable, and genuine.

Welcome others in all spaces.

Support their peers when they are in need of help.


Comfortable engaging in cross-cultural interactions. 

We find value in surrounding ourselves with diverse groups of people.

Listen with an open mindset with a desire to understand before being understood.

Develop awareness of potential biases and privilege we may possess while learning to navigate the biases of those around us.


Proactively seek ways to become their best selves. 

Choose to share their opinion in a responsible manner. 

Take ownership over their responsibilities. 

Persevere by using alternative strategies to problem-solve and consider possible outcomes of their decisions.


Seek opportunities within their community to develop their understanding of new content, topics, and world views. 

In their quest for self-development, find ways to shout out and recognize their peers when they display growth.

Request feedback on tests, quizzes, and assignments. 

See obstacles or challenges as opportunities to advocate, improve, and/or find creative solutions.

What can I do with my merits? 

Merits are redeemable for prizes and experiences. Below you will find a survey where you can submit your purchase request(s). All orders will be processed during Merit Store Hours of Operation

See below for Merit Store dates! 

If you would like to see prize options, check out Merit Store Items

Purchase Order Survey Here

Merit Store Items Here

Merit Store Hours of Operation