doge ท่านน้อนภูพา

Buff Doge as a Punch-Out!! Character.

17-year-old Kabosu shot to fame in 2010 after a photo of her with a quizzical expression and crossed paws became an internet meme sensation. The shot became famous and people started referring to it as “doge” which eventually inspired the cryptocurrency “Dogecoin” created in 2013.

Kabosu lives in Sakura, Japan with her human Atsuko Sato, a kindergarten teacher, who in a series of Instagram posts, revealed that she has been in a “very dangerous condition” and had stopped eating and drinking just before Christmas. She has been diagnosed with acute cholangiohepatitis, a type of inflammation in the digestive system apart from chronic leukaemia, and veterinarians have put her on antibiotics.

Days later, Sato said Kabosu is now eating and drinking again with well-wishers cheering on the positive health update.


โดชคอยน์ถูกสร้างโดยโปรแกรมเมอร์ชื่อบิลลี่ มาร์คัส(Billy Markus) จาก Portland, Oregon ในตอนเริ่มต้นนั้นบิลลี่ต้องการสร้างสกุลเงินดิจิตอลที่ตลกเพื่อที่จะเข้าถึงคนส่วนใหญ่ได้มากกว่าบิตคอยน์ (Bitcoin) นอกจากนี้เขายังต้องการใหโดชคอยน์มีความรู้สึกแตกต่างจากบิตคอยน์ ที่ในขณะนั้นมีภาพลักษณ์ไม่ดีจากการที่เข้าไปเป็นสกุลเงินกลางที่ใช้ในการซื้อขายใน Silk Road ตลาดยาเสพติดออนไลน์ในขณะนั้น[16] ประจวบเหมาะกับในขณะนั้นเจ็คสัน พามเมอร์ (Jackson Palmer)ผู้ร่วมสร้างโดชคอย์นอีกคนถูกนักศึกษาจาก Front Range Community College สนับสนุนให้สร้างความคิดให้เป็นจริง[17] 


Kabosu the Shiba Inu is one of the most famous canines in the world and it's all thanks to the Doge meme, but sadly the dog is now very ill.

If you've spent any time on the internet at all, and given that you're reading this the odds are pretty strong that you have, then you've almost certainly run into the Doge meme.

It's a picture of a dog where the animal is snapped looking really goofy in the moment, but it's become so much more than that as the internet has taken it and turned it into an incredibly popular meme.

It's basically just the image of Kabosu surrounded by broken chunks of grammatically abominable text like 'much friends, such happy, wow', you get the idea.

Doge became so popular that it became Know Your Meme's 'top meme' of 2013, later going on to be the basis of a cryptocurrency while an NFT of the original meme sold for $4 million.

Sadly, the original Doge is in a very poor condition as the Shiba Inu is seriously ill.


ยศกร สีนนตรี ป6/3 เลขที่24  ผู้จัดทำ เรือง DOGE

Let’s briefly dive back in history: Dogecoin was made in 2013 by Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon, and actually started as a joke on internet forums like Reddit and 4chan. The logo consists of an image of the popular Shiba Inu dog from the internet meme 'DOGE' - hence the name. It is also one of the oldest cryptocurrencies.

Now that your memory has been refreshed, you may wonder what the title of this blog means. The meme below was tweeted on 18 July 2020 by Elon Musk, you know, the founder of Paypal and Tesla. At the time of writing this blog, Elon Musk has almost 39 million followers on Twitter. By sharing this meme, the price of Dogecoin went up by about 20%.


paceX ora accetta Dogecoin in pagamento  per lanciare un prossimo satellite chiamato DOGE-1 proprio verso la Luna, “To the Moon”.