Professional Development Resources

These are the materials and resources from professional development days.

Introduction to Nearpod

Nearpod Presentation.pptx
Nearpod Information Sheet.pdf

Introduction to Doceri


Integrating Apps in K-4 ELA

Integrating Apps in K-4 ELA

iPad Basics and Google Apps- Maci Seibel

iPad Basics and Google Apps

iPad Basics and Google Apps- Amy Wertman

iPad Basics and Google Apps: July 25, 2017
Copy of Google Docs.docx
Google Form How-to
Google Drive Tip Sheets.docx

Social Media in the Classroom

Social Media in the Classroom

Coding: Implementation in the Classroom

Coding Inservice.pptx

Integrating Nearpod and iMovie

Google Tips and Tricks

Google Tips & Tricks MTWP Presentation
GOOGLE Tips and Tricks Plan Sheet.docx

Differentiating ELA K-6

Differentiate the Process (handout)
Differentiate the Content…(Handout)
Differentiate the Product (handout)

Digital Forms of Formative and Summative Assessment

Writing in the 21st Century

Pencil To ComputerFinal.pptx

Using Google in Your Classroom

Google Classroom
Google Forms