Tips for being successful on a virtual learning platform.
Virtual Tips for Parents
Here are a few tips to help you assist your child in their virtual classes.
- Virtual classes can often consume more time than in-person classes. If students are not spending at least 40-50 minutes per class each day, they may not be getting the most out of the instruction.
For example, if a student goes directly to an assignment, instead of first watching an instructional video or reading the assigned material, they could be missing valuable instruction, or become frustrated quickly and give up on the assignment.
- Time management is essential for students doing virtual classes.
Encourage your student to spend time each day on each class. This may consist of emailing the teacher for additional guidance, setting up a Google Meet for face-to-face instruction or reviewing the previous material for maximum retention.
Even if assignments are not due for a few days, students need to have focused time on each class to ensure they are getting proper exposure to the instructional material.
- If your child says they do not understand an assignment. You may want to ask them these questions to help direct them in their learning.
Have you read the directions? If they have read the directions, you may have them summarize the directions in their own words.
If there was a video shared from the teacher, ask them if they have watched the video. If they have watched the video, ask them to re-watch the video and take notes. Oftentimes, taking notes helps us solidify concepts or instructions.
- Many teachers host Google Meet sessions for more face to face time with their students.
Ask your student if they are attending these Google Meets.
Encourage your student to make a list of questions they have to ask during the Google Meet. Preparation is key.
- Phone Calls or Emails with teachers.
Ask your student if they are communicating with their teachers regularly. In a normal classroom setting, the average student will communicate with their instructors numerous times within the hour. Without this communication, students are more susceptible to falling behind or misunderstanding instructions.
Encourage your student to make a list of questions they have to ask during these sessions.