Husky Bites Challenge

Michigan Technological University's College of Engineering & Center for Educational Outreach present Husky Bites Challenge, a six-week virtual design challenge for students in 9th & 10th grade.

Registration closes September 20th. Please email with any questions.

2021 Challenge: Sustainability

Next Gen High School has recently acquired considerable funding to rebuild their campus in Houghton, MI. Because of the magnitude of this funding, the committee has decided that Next Gen High will be a certified Green Building according to the LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, rating system. They have asked you, a team of engineers, to aid in their mission of designing a school that will consider green solutions in the following categories:

  • Water Efficiency

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Materials & Resources

  • Waste Minimization

  • Student Involvement

The committee is willing to consider all proposals and request that you provide them with any ideas for green and sustainable opportunities you have whether conventional (I.E. solar panels/wind turbines) or unconventional and creative, though still realistic technology.

Location: Houghton County, one of the few locations in the U.S. that truly experiences the extreme of all four seasons in the year. The summers are hot and sunny, the fall is overcast and windy; winter can be bitterly cold with hundreds of inches of snow accumulating. The spring has sunshine but also frequent rain.

This competition will require you to consider the challenges that come with creating green and sustainable infrastructure. One solution will not likely be enough to meet the school’s needs in any specific category.

Your team (max size 4 members) will present your proposals to a panel of judges via Zoom. Presentations should include the various solutions you would implement in the school’s design, as well as an explanation of how these solutions would work to reduce waste or improve the school. All team members should actively participate in the presentation.

Challenge Format

Over the course of the challenge, students will learn about various areas of sustainability through team mentors, Michigan Tech's Husky Bites interactive Zoom webinar sessions, and your own, independent research. This challenge provides you an opportunity to work collaboratively with your peers and take ownership over your proposals and final presentations.

Session Dates:

*In addition to above session times, groups will also have meeting times with their team mentor and other work times scheduled based on team members' availability. We estimate this challenge will require approximately 3 hours of involvement per week. It is expected that all participants will participate in each team session as well as contribute to the project asynchronously as needed.

Students will need a laptop with web-conferencing (Zoom) capabilities, a Google-compatible email address, and stable internet connect to participate in this challenge.

Teams of students will be created by the Center for Educational Outreach. If students wish to be on a team with specific students, each team member should register separately and each must request each other for the request to be approved. Teams will consist of 3-4 students.