UMS Counseling  Department

Montgomery Upper Middle School Counselors are available to provide support and consultation. While we have included resources here for students and families, please reach out to your child's school counselor if you have any questions or are in need of any additional supports. 

UMS Counselors

Counselor: Jeanne Fedun 

(609) 466 - 7603 x4350

8th Grade: 

Counselor:  Allison Doyle Smith 

(609) 466 - 7603 x4370

7th Grade : 

Counselor: Meghan Moore

(609) 466 - 7603 x4306

 7th Grade:  

8th Grade: 

Youth 24 - Hour Crisis Intervention:

2nd Floor Youth Helpline (Call or text): (888) 222-2228

NJ Hopeline: (855) 654-6735

Crisis Text Line: Text  TALK to 741741

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255