Lunch and Snack Information

Our Recess time is 11:15am - 11:35am

Our Lunch time is 11:40am - 12:05pm

We have snack in the classroom daily.

General Snack guidelines: No peanuts or tree nut products are allowed in any classroom at OHES. These foods are to be enjoyed in the classroom.

Students may have a water bottle on their desk throughout the school day. Juices and Milks can be enjoyed in the cafeteria. We do not have a sink in our classroom, therefore juices, milks and fruit cups (anything messy) can be enjoyed in the cafeteria during lunch.

Snack is a 10 minute break and should be nutritious. The purpose of snack is to provide optimal energy to sustain learning availability.

Any food with the first ingredient sugar is preferred to be enjoyed following lunch in the cafeteria. Fruit snacks/ Jello/ Candy.

I support the New Jersey food guidance in regards to sugar . As an educator, sugary foods do not provide sustained energy. However, exceptions can be made for our students with food allergies.

Snack ideas!

Preztels, cheese and crackers, Fresh fruit, veggies, cheese sticks, nut free granola bars, potato chips, goldfish, rice cakes, hummus, hard boiled egg, GoGo squeeze applesauce.