Math Games
Ten Frames : Students can practice making combinations of ten and twenty with counters using the ten frames. Try putting counters on the ten frame and asking them how many more they need to get to ten. When using two ten frames, challenge children by asking them to show you teen numbers on the ten frames.
Game board : To help with 1:1 correspondence, students can practice rolling a dice and moving their piece around the board.
Add and Cover : Students roll two dice and add the number. Students cover up the sum with a counter. First person to cover up the most wins!
Number Cards 1-30 : There are lots of games to play with number cards!
- A classroom favorite is Top It. Each player flips over a card and the person with the higher number collects the cards. You can also do a variation of Top It called where the player who can add or subtract the numbers faster collects that cards. If you are doing this variation only use cards 1-10.
- Students can practice flipping cards over and saying the number that is one more or one less.
- Use the cards to practice simple adding and subtraction number sentences up to 10.
- Mix up the cards and put them in order from least to greatest.
- Pick up a card and show that number using counters.
- Pick a card and find a domino to match the number.