Margaret McCarthy

"Never underestimate the power of a woman with a book." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

More than this quote, I feel like as an educator we should never underestimate the power our students have to grow in intellect, no matter their gender, race or socioeconomic status. Every kid in my classroom will leaving having learned and grown. In conclusion, rather than "understating the power of a girl with a book", I want my students to never underestimate the power of themselves and their capability to learn.

Welcome to First Grade

Welcome to First Grade! I am so excited to spend the year with all of you and your smiling faces! This year we are utilizing a Math Program called, Bridges in Math! This program is a K–5 math program that will help us meet the new standards and make math meaningful and exciting. In first grade, students focus on addition and subtraction, place value, shapes, and length measurement. Throughout the year they: 

❚ Become fluent with addition and subtraction facts with numbers to 10 

❚ Add and subtract with numbers up to 100 

❚ Measure length and solve problems involving lengths 

❚ Identify, describe, compare, put together, and take apart shapes Bridges uses visual models to make the mathematics accessible to all learners. One way that children approach math is through pictures.

In Language Arts and Literacy we are focusing on building our reading and writing stamina. To see our outlined curriculum please refer to the following link.

Little on Me

Hi! My name is Margaret (Maggie) McCarthy. I am a recent graduate of the Elementary Education and iSTEM Deprtments at the College of New Jersey  with a Specialization in Technology.  My whole life all I wanted to do was be someone that initiated good and change in the world. I knew from the moment I could play pretend I wanted to be a teacher.  I needed to be a person that helped shape someones life, someone that made a difference. 

Fun facts on me:

Website's that Aided my Teaching

Student Links