The Open Quantitative Psychology Lab

- Jamie Taylor, PhD -

Welcome to the website for the Open Quantitative Psychology Lab.  This lab is dedicated to using quantitative psychological methods to pursue questions of interest to the members of the lab.  It is "open" in the sense that I try not to constrain the topics that lab folk choose to research.  The lab has, to date, supported projects in 

and possibly other areas I'm forgetting.  The lab serves both as a research environment and as an environment for fostering growth in the people who participate in it.

The people who participate in the lab include me, honours students, student researchers, and research assistants.  There are usually also some former (i.e., graduated from MRU) students still doing work in the lab.  Click on the image to get an overview of who is currently involved.

Currently, the majority of projects in the lab are developed in response to student interest.  Only those studies that are no longer in data collection are presented here.  Click on the image to get an overview of the recent projects.

The lab exists primarily as a place for students to acquire research-related experience, to develop as researchers, and to pursue topics that are of interest to them.  Click on the image for more on the lab philosophy, including how to participate.