SONm anti-racism working group + Anti-racist curriculum audit

Decolonial changemaker project

anti-racism working group

Co-Facilitators: BN - Andrea Kennedy; BMid- Megan Lalonde (Spring 2021) & Deepa Upadhyaya (Fall 2021); ADC- Andrea Phillipson

What: strengths-based anti-racism audit of BN & BMid curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation to support SoNM decolonial curriculum redesign.

Why: we need systems-level action to examine entrenched colonial institutional structures as the pervasive roots of racism, while identifying promising decolonial and anti-racist approaches

When: 2021-22 academic year, with focused support by ADC during Fall 2021

Who: co-led by Andrea Kennedy (BN), Megan Lalonde & Deepa Upadhyaya (BMid), Andrea Phillipson ADC); supported by the SoNM Director & Anti-Racism Working Group; in collaboration with SoNM Curriculum Committees and course teams


  • Literature review of relevant audit processes and working definitions of anti-racist curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation.

  • Develop a structural anti-racism audit framework.

  • Audit anti-racism concepts (e.g. anti-racist theory) in curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation; start with core theory courses.

  • Audit epistemic anti-racism (e.g. decolonial, non-Eurocentric scholarship) in curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation; start with core theory courses.

  • Apply audit findings to inform the BN and BMid Decolonial Curriculum Redesign.

  • Report findings with SoNM, HCE and MRU community.

Theoretical Support: project will be conducted from a decolonial (Andreotti et al, 2015; Gaudry & Lorenz, 2018; Stein et al, 2020), anti-racist (Kendi, 2019; Sutton, 2002), social innovation (McGowan et al., 2020; Mulgan, 2006) strengths-based approach (Fogarty et al., 2018) by auditing existing anti-racist data while unveiling structural racism specific to curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation (Jeffries et al., 2018; Garneau, Browne & Varcoe, 2017; Meleis & Im, 1998; Van Bewer et al, 2020).

This project is informed by evidence on curriculum audits (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2003; Cooke & Jacobs, 2018; Long Beach City College, 2020; Seager & Anema, 2003), cultural audits (May, 2014; Seltzer & Foley, 2018), diversity audits (Chun & Evans, 2019; Skyline College, 2012; Wilson, 2018) and equity audits (Skrla et al., 2004; Zion et al., 2020).



Theoretical Support: project will be conducted from a decolonial (Andreotti et al, 2015; Gaudry & Lorenz, 2018; Stein et al, 2020), anti-racist (Kendi, 2019; Sutton, 2002), social innovation (McGowan et al., 2020; Mulgan, 2006) strengths-based approach (Fogarty et al., 2018) by auditing existing anti-racist data while unveiling structural racism specific to curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation (Jeffries et al., 2018; Garneau, Browne & Varcoe, 2017; Meleis & Im, 1998; Van Bewer et al, 2020).

This project is informed by evidence on curriculum audits (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2003; Cooke & Jacobs, 2018; Long Beach City College, 2020; Seager & Anema, 2003), cultural audits (May, 2014; Seltzer & Foley, 2018), diversity audits (Chun & Evans, 2019; Skyline College, 2012; Wilson, 2018) and equity audits (Skrla et al., 2004; Zion et al., 2020).