Resources for Parents, Teachers and Students

The Moorestown Township Public Schools are committed to the social and emotional well-being of all in our schools. To that end, we have been researching and learning about the influence of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) on children, young people and adults.  We ask you to engage with us in the act of learning more about what makes us all tick. It is our hope that sharing resources with you will bring greater consistency to experiences students have at school and at home. As we grow, this site will grow!


Taking care of ourselves and others comes with challenges.  Sometimes those challenges feel beyond our capacity or knowledge, especially when it comes to self-harm and suicidal thoughts.  We are providing the resources below as a beginning point for our families.  Reach out to your child's school counselor/case manager if you have concerns you would like to share. Please remember if you or a loved one are in imminent danger, call 911.

Child Mind Institute: When a child threatens suicide or talks about dying, it’s important to take them seriously.


988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way. Findings suggest acknowledging and talking about suicide may reduce rather than increase suicidal ideation.

NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.


MTPS Care Solace: We are committed to the well-being of our students, staff, and families to create a safe and healthy learning environment. In support of our ongoing commitment, we partnered with Care Solace to provide an additional layer of care for our community.


We celebrate the resilience and spark of the human spirit as we continue to rebuild in this post-pandemic time.  That said, there are still bumps in the road and periods of struggle.  If you or any member of your family is struggling with mental health well- being or substance use, please connect with help via MTPS Care Solace .  Students have access to support in the building via their school counselor as well. Just reach out.

September 2021

“How are you feeling?”  In his 2019 book, Permission to Feel, Marc Brackett challenges us to shift the conversation we have with one another, and most especially, with children and young people from, “How are you?”  to a question that elicits more specific responses than, “Fine.” 

As we launch the 2021-2022 school year, it has never been more important to have and sustain communication with our children.  One of the things that we gained from our pandemic cocoons was the time to have leisurely and meaningful conversations with our family over breakfast, lunch and dinner. Re-engaging with the lightning pace of school, after-school activities, sports, jobs and whatever else is on your child’s and family’s plate bears inspection. If you can’t find the time and  space for a meal together each day, do make sure to clear time and space each day to check in with yourself and your child(ren).  If you can’t do that, tag in someone who knows your child and family. Children who feel heard and seen have a much easier time with making healthy transitions when a trusted adult is there for them to speak with about whatever is on their mind.

Should you notice things about your child that cause concern or about which you believe you need some additional information, reach out to your child’s school counselor for assistance.  We are here to ensure that your child has a successful transition into the school year and a healthy experience with that transition. It all starts with a question that will open the door to meaningful conversation.  “How are you feeling? Tell me more.” 

Mental Health Care for children can be confusing. has created a resource to help families navigate when seeking care.

Family Support Organization of Burlington County

As a partner in the New Jersey Children’s System of Care, we offer support, education and advocacy to families with children who have intellectual/developmental disabilities, behavioral, emotional, and/or mental health challenges, challenges with substance use, and/or Juvenile Justice involvement! Our staff members have experienced the same challenges and success as the families we serve! Take a look at our current offerings to enrich and support families during this unique and challenging time and then use this digital newsletter to send us an email, visit our website,  and/or attend an event! 

Feb-April Calendar 2021 

November 2020

As we move into the holiday season, we are still living with many unknowns, missing our family members and hoping for some return to normalcy soon.  The wise voices from the past remind us that noting things for which we are grateful helps to reframe the situation in which we currently find ourselves.  Today's science tells us that maintaining a daily gratitude practice actually serves to rewire our brains to look for the good in things.  Taking care of ourselves is important; gratitude is one way in which we may do so.

October 2020

With one month under our belts, we must remember to take care of ourselves and our children.  Remember the Fours Pillars of Health: nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management.  Directly below are recent podcasts from mental health professionals for you to consider.   Please take a few minutes to check out the rest of the resources on our site. Most importantly, look for the joy and laughter in life!

Mind on Mental Health
Building Social and Emotional Learning for Education

June 2020

When major events happen in our world, we are left with the question: How do we have meaningful and productive conversations with children and young people about this?  We are providing you with a document that has resources for you to use at home and in the classroom. Civil Unrest and Anti-Racism Resources

hand holding a red heart with blue background

March 2020 - The Corona Virus has left us with new challenges and new horizons.  As families learn to navigate the online educational setting and being home together, please use the resources below to assist.  As always, your child's school counselor is available in the digital environment to provide support.


Parent Resources

Permission to Feel - unlocking the power of emotions to help our kids, ourselves and our society thrive by Marc Bracket, PhD
The Body Keep the Score Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD
Childhood Disrupted - how your biography becomes your biology, and how you can heal by Donna Jackson Nakazawa
photo of Angela Duckworth
With a specific focus on helping parents during this unique time, Qualtrics has partnered with Angela Duckworth to do a daily Q&A session on this YouTube channel every weekday at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT. The goal is simple: help parents navigate this new reality we have all suddenly found ourselves thrust into. Many people are working from home for the first time. Many schools are closed for the foreseeable future. Everyone is trying to navigate this new normal. 

Purpose Prep is focused on supporting the health, security, and purpose of our global learners, teachers, staff and schools. Many families will be displaced from their ordinary schedules. This truly is an opportunity to support each other during this time.  

We’re made to connect with others. But in today’s society, more things seem to divide us than bring us together. 5 Radical Minutes is a systematic way to build deeper connections with those around us, especially if we have differing viewpoints.

Renowned for her contagious humor, Dr. G provides no-nonsense prescriptions and strategies that turn stress to an advantage.

Whether she is speaking on stage giving a keynote, sharing advice on shows like TODAY, Good Morning America, The Doctors, and Rachael Ray, or contributing to outlets like Washington Post, The New Times, Huffington Post, her message is straightforward and essential: Do stress better. Be resilient

A new opinion blog in which Angela Duckworth and some of the nation’s leading psychological scientists from Character Lab Research Network will answer questions from the field several times a week. The new feature will be available free to all visitors.

NAMI Basics OnDemand

NAMI Basics OnDemand is a free, six-session online education program for parents, caregivers and other family who provide care for youth aged 22 or younger who are experiencing mental health symptoms. NAMI Basics OnDemand is an adaptation of the in-person course offered in 43 states by NAMI affiliates.

New Jersey Mental Health Cares 1-866-202-HELP (4357)  Who cares?  We do.  Click or call for help.

If you or someone you love is struggling, help is available.

Teens - save this number in your phone.  Someone is available 24/7. 

NJEA helpline for members

Please see the following article that highlights some great ways to manage your stress and keep us emotionally healthy.


Meditation App for parents and students grades 7-12

kid wearing headphones meditating

Great meditation app for kids

The Harbor by Jostens

Mike Smith talks to young people about CV19

cloud with face

Meditation Apps everywhere! 

animated animal head.  green with pink ears

Khan Academy Kids for ages 2-7

two hands forming a heart

For the Love of Teenagers - 

healthy minds

Well-Being Toolkit 

your teen for parents

Great resources for parents of teens

black semi circle on top and green semi circle on bottom

a web-based confidential and anonymous service 


Managing Anxiety Around COVID-19

Social Emotional Learning Slideshow for K-2nd graders

Health Care Tool Kit.  Your guide to helping children and families cope with illness and injury

This parent tipsheet from CPTS Includes examples you can use at home, and specific tips for parents of children with existing health concerns. 

Standford sparQtools

Learn how to adopt a "stress-is-enhancing" mindset with you family.

75 Ways for Kids to Connect & Contribute

Minding your Mind

Great resources and free webinars

Minding Your Mind is dedicated to ending stigma and destructive behaviors associated with mental health issues, moving away from a crisis-based response to prevention through education. 

Many thanks to our colleagues at Corona-Norco Unified School District in California for this wonderful Virtual Calming Room

"Why Taking Care of Your Own Well-Being Is Good for Others"

In celebration of International SEL Day, I'd like to acknowledge our splendid school community, all of you staying at home to take care of your families, all of our healthcare workers who are on the front line taking care of all of us, and to all of the humans out there keeping the shelves stocked and the world on its axis. To you the message of the Duty of Self Care is imperative. On this International SEL Day, please do something to take care of yourself! Read the article below from the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and learn about a different kind of contagion... 

RSA Animate you-tube video on Growth Mindset

Rethink the power of the mind

Ted Talks Angela Duckworth you-tube video

Angela Duckworth

What does it mean to be gritty?

Character Lab

Angela Duckworth's Passion Project

The Greater Good Science Center logo

The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley              

Good Reads

book cover for Angelo Duckworht's book on Grit
book cover, Mindset, New Psychology of Success
book cover for Rick Hanson's book, Resilient