21st Century Grant

Welcome Hacker Parents and Students. We have the amazing privilege of receiving the 21st Century After School Activities Grant. This has provided Hacker Middle School students with some incredible after school opportunities.  Hacker is currently providing 25 different after school enrichment courses that your student can participate in with no financial obligation.  After school clubs run Monday through Thursday from 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. This program was generated for our community and their after school needs.  Hacker is also offering monthly Parent Engagement opportunities where you and your student can enjoy a fun filled night out with dinner and an activity. After school clubs are continually changing, so keep an eye on our scheduled events.  If you have questions please feel free to reach out to Liz Burnett at 21stcenturygrant@mtnhomesd.org

Check out the club lineup this year

Evening Cooking & Family Night Sign up link