Additional Resources

Study Preparation & Tools

Quizlet makes simple learning tools that let you study anything. Start learning today with flashcards, games and learning tools — all for free.

Kahoot! is a game-based platform that makes learning awesome for millions of people all over the world. Sign up to create and play fun quiz games!

Create, study, print, share and download millions of flashcards. makes studying easier!

Study Skills & Strategies

ANNENBERG Classroom Resources

Annenberg Classrooom's free resources include over 65 videos on constitutional concepts and Supreme Court cases as well as games, lesson plans, timelines, downloadable books, a glossary, and a Constitution Guide.

Also, check out this great link to discover Annenberg's list of Best Civics Websites! Annenberg Recommendations

Bill of Rights Institute Resources

Explore the founding documents and the accompanying explanatory resources to broaden your knowledge about the birth of our nation.
Constitutional Resources for Students
Finding resources to help with homework is often a challenging task. Have no fear, we are here to help. Our three to six minute videos are designed to help you understand a variety of complex issues that have affected American History.

C-SPAN Classroom Resources

Follow the link to access collections of C-SPAN Classroom resources organized by various topics and themes. Lesson Plans and Bell Ringers require teachers and students to use a login and password to gain access. Teachers and students can either create one on the C-SPAN Classroom website or can use the following shared log-in credentials:

Username: students


National Constitution Center Resources

The first and only institution in America established by Congress to "disseminate information about the United States Constitution on a nonpartisan basis in order to increase the awareness and understanding of the Constitution among the American people."
Interested about the origins of the Constitution and how it relates to the constitutions around the world?
On this site, constitutional experts interact with each other to explore the Constitution’s history and what it means today. For each provision of the Constitution, scholars of different perspectives discuss what they agree upon, and what they disagree about.
A free, fun video lesson series that’s a hit with students and educators nationwide! Give your students a “hall pass” to explore America’s CIVIC HOLIDAYS and CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY! Created and produced by the National Constitution Center, CONSTITUTION HALL PASS features the museum's education staff, distinguished scholars, and even some famous faces who bring America’s democracy and the stories of “We the People” to life.

Current EVent Resources

CNN 10 is an on-demand digital news show ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom.

Current events articles for teachers and students — Make sense of current events with free online resources.

A 10-question interactive quiz related to the week's most important and interesting stories.

icivics Resources

iCivics exists to engage students in meaningful civic learning. We provide teachers well-written, inventive, and free resources that enhance their practice and inspire their classrooms.

Expand the learning experience for your students by putting them in the action. iCivics exists to engage students in meaningful civic learning. Currently 19 games and simulations can be played while learning a lot about civics!

Scholastic Resources

A civics and media literacy resource from Scholastic Magazine.

Our democracy gives us great freedom, but that freedom comes with many responsibilities. We created this website, called We the People, to explain how our government works—and show how you can get involved.

Additional resources are provided for Understanding Government; Media Literacy; and Active Citizenship.

Civics 101: A Podcast

Why does the U.S. have an Electoral College? How do congressional investigations work? What does the minority whip actually do? Civics 101 is the podcast refresher course on the basics of how our democracy works.

Pennsylvania Bar association resources

PCN Civics 101

Civics 101, a free public service of PCN, is an online educational tool to help Pennsylvania students understand how our state government works. This tool is intended to supplement classroom learning, but can also be a useful tool in the home. Programs include interviews with elected officials, tours of the state capitol and Governor's residence, and so much more.

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