Certificate Requirements
Interested students, please email globalstudies@mtlsd.net.
Grade Requirements
3.0 GPA to enter program and needs to be maintained throughout the program.
Course Requirements
External Hours (outside of the classroom)
Students will be required to engage in a variety of enriching experiences designated by the completion of 30 hours of outside-of-class activities with a global focus. Students must obtain pre-approval for such hours, and the hours will be documented by the coordinator or the mentor. Students may not record more than a maximum of 15 hours of participation in any one activity.
Documentation required:
Formal record of participation/activity hours entered by students via the forms on this website.
Hours monitored and validated by Global Studies coordinator; please always seek prior approval if you have questions about a qualifying activity.
Globally focused activities that are conducted within school, but outside of courses, may be applied to external hours outlined above, with prior approval from coordinator.
Mt. Lebanon High School organizations with a global focus that qualify are Model UN and all world language clubs.
Students must complete and document 10 or more external hours by the end of their junior year in order for the pursuit of Global Studies certificate notation to be entered on the school transcript.
Community Service
Students are required to complete a designated number of community service hours. They may overlap with community service for other school requirements; however, service submitted for this program should have a service to the community at large, outside of our school. The Global Studies Requirement is 20 hours.
Program Benefits for Participants
Global Studies scholars students will receive a certificate of program completion from the District.