Grading policies

Late work policy

I do take late work, but all work is due by a firm deadline of the first Friday of December for first semester. The firm deadline for second semester is the first Friday of May. 

I grade by categories. Here are the values for each category:

reading summative assessments 20%

writing summative assessments 20%

listening summative assessments 20%

speaking summative assessments 20%

learning checks/ formative assessments 20%

Grades are proficiency based. What does that mean? It means that a certain level of proficiency is reached in order to get a certain letter grade. 

Spanish 2 first semester: 

A = Intermediate Low  

B = Novice High

Spanish 2 second semester:  

A = Intermediate Mid

B= Intermediate Low

C= Novice High

Spanish 3 first semester: 

A = Intermediate Mid

B= Intermediate Low

C=Novice High

Spanish 3 second semester: 

A= Intermediate Mid + any indicators of Intermediate High

B=Intermediate Mid

C= Intermediate Low

D= Novice High

There will be no extra credit, but students can retake D/F assessments for up to a C+ or 82% within one week of the grade being posted in Skyward at the teacher's discretion