recursion tree
Divide-and-conquer - analysis
Divide-and-conquer (recursion tree/unrolling) Worksheet
New pods!
Status flags
Each team has a status flag that you can use to help me focus where to go:
green: working, no questions
yellow: have a question, but not blocked from doing work
red: have a question, blocked from doing work
blue: done, just hanging out
Articulation practice
Remember: this is an opportunity to practice clear, concise and precise communication while working through the material!
Throughout the course, each of you must volunteer at least once to serve as the facilitator, who will:
Make sure everyone has a chance for their voice to be heard. For example, saying:
“X, we haven’t heard from you in a while. Do you have thoughts on this problem or is there another one you’d like to shift to?”Keep track of time to cover as much of each problem as possible
Post a clearly articulated report with a summary and/or questions to the corresponding Ed Discussion category
Please be sure to also post your pod # and other team members, as in “Report for Pod 2 (Audrey St. John, Mary Lyon, …)”
If you’d prefer to use a doc, post the link or turn it into an image to attach
If you have work from the board, you can take a photo and post it