HW 8: Playful p5

Submission Details

Due: 5/3 - Submit via Gradescope:

  • A short description of your project along with documentation of your process

  • A link to your final p5 project

  • A reflection on the homework

Learning goals

  • gain comfort with the discomfort of working with and adapting sample code

  • recognize that you have learned fundamental programming concepts

  • have fun!


This homework is completely different (time to stretch that cognitive flexibility!)

  • It is optional; if you complete it, we will drop the lowest homework score from earlier.

  • There are no solutions.

  • There are no specific specifications :)


Create an interactive p5 project that:

  • senses user input (via the mouse, camera input, keyboard, etc.)

  • responds with a visual and/or audio effect

You should feel free to

  • adapt sample code from the p5 site or beyond -- be sure to document the sites you used

  • work with a peer (you can do a group submission with up to 2 other students)

  • be creative and ambitious!

You'll submit:

  • a description of your project (3-5 sentences) that could be used to display it on the CS web site or in the hallway

    • please do note if you do NOT want your project shared in this way

  • documentation of your process, including URLs of resources with code that you adapted or helpful information

    • make this a google doc with link sharing on or paste it into gradescope

  • a URL of your final project

  • a reflection about the project experience